Happy Half Term to all of our lovely students and parents. Between home-schooling, home-dancing and working from home, I hope you are all taking a well-earned rest.

It’s quite a poignant time to look back on what we have achieved in the past 12 months as this week marks 1 whole year since our show The Magic Circus and Alice in Wonderland. How lucky we were to be able to make those amazing memories just before we entered our first lockdown. To celebrate this numbers from the show will be uploaded to our Facebook Group via youtube so please look out for these and share them with your friends and family.

Over the past 12 months we have also had lots of students take exams, and more coming up in March. We will have lots more opportunities for students to take their exams in June so keep working hard towards these exams.

The second half of our term commences on Monday 22nd February; for those students who have not yet joined on ZOOM in 2021, but would like to please contact the KDAD Office to find out how.

I’d like to again say thank you for keeping our dance family together and it is so lovely seeing you all each week.

Let’s continue working hard as we have another show to plan! October 2022 – save the date!

Miss Kelli & the KDAD Team

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