Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Happy New Year! We hope your festive periods were merry, enjoyable and safe. As we enter 2021, we remain in Tier 4 of government restrictions. This unfortunately prevents us from dancing in our studios, in light of this we will start our new term VIA ZOOM from Monday 11th January. In all other Tiers (1-3) we are able to dance in our studios, however the rules within Tier 4 (closure of all gym/leisure/dance facilities) prevents this. We are unsure how long we will remain in Tier 4, so please check our website and Facebook group regularly for updates – we will continue to monitor the situation and update you as soon as we know.

During previous lockdowns in Spring and November our teaching on ZOOM was effective and enjoyable for students during these exceptional circumstances. Following ZOOM many of our students were able to take their Tap and Modern Exams despite the changes to training. The ISTD Exam board have confirmed that exams will continue in the studio in March and June regardless of any lockdowns. To qualify for these exams students must continue to train and join ZOOM classes offered.

Through the impacts of this global pandemic, many dance schools have struggled to survive. We as a school are lucky to have the commitment and support of our parents, students and teachers which has meant we are able to continue training our students of all ages, so thank you for your support as we move into a new year. In recognition of the challenging times, we are reducing our fees by 25% for this term. These discounts are reflected on our website.

**Please note there have been some changes to our Tuesday Stage School Timetable. This allows us to make the most of our ZOOM classes over the next few weeks (Amended timetable at the end of this newsletter).

Please see our newsletter here: January 2021 Website Copy

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