Hi everyone,

We hope you are having a lovely summer so far and managing to stay cool in this heat! This is our first proper summer since Covid and there is lots of summer to catch up on – please continue to be careful but enjoy your time off.

A few things to talk you through during this break:

  • ISTD exams results are in and congratulations to all of those that worked so hard and took their exams before we broke up. Medals for exams were given out at the end of term, and certificates will be received shortly. We will pass these out in class when they have arrived.
    Our next round of exams will now take place after our show when students return to class-work. Exact dates are TBC, but will be between March – June 2023.


  • Disneyland Paris was a blast! A team of 16 students were selected to perform at Disneyland Paris on the 8th August 2022 after a long wait due to the pandemic. They auditioned in 2019 and were selected by Disney to perform at the park and lead the parade. I’d like to say a massive congratulations to them and say how proud i am of your performance, your commitment and your professionalism on this trip; thank you! We were so glad to finally get there after 3 years of build up and rehearsals.

We plan to take another team in 2024, exact dates TBC.
If there are any students who would like to be considered for this opportunity they must:
– Be aged 10+ at the time of performance.
– Attend KDAD Stage School classes, PLUS one other genre of dance with KDAD (i.e. Ballet, Tap or Modern).

They will train in class and then audition closer to the time. *As much as we would like to take everyone with us (and create our own parade!), it is important to remember that it is members of the Disney Corporation who have the final say in which students are selected to perform at the park, not the teachers at KDAD.*

  • Preparations for My Favourite Things and Swan Lake, our show taking place 19th – 25th February at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking is in full swing. Please remember to confirm your participation and pay your costume deposit as soon as possible so that KDAD Office can begin ordering costumes at the start of term. Rehearsal will take place during class time up until Christmas break and then Saturday rehearsals for all will begin in the New Year. If you have any questions about the show, please text the KDAD Office (07535 010525) or speak to Miss Kelli when we go back to class in September.


  • Class bookings are now open. Term commences Monday 12th September.


  • Uniform orders are welcome for anyone requiring new leotards, skirts, jumpers etc. To place your order, please text the KDAD Office (07535 010525) with your order.

Finally thank you all for your hard work over this past academic year. It’s been our first full year back in the studio and how wonderful it has been to see you all in person every week. Enjoy the rest of your summer and come back from the 12th September refreshed and ready to rehearse your show numbers!

Thanks again,

Miss Kelli and the KDAD Team x

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