I am excited to share my new website with you and to allow you to book your classes for the coming term (Commencing 14th September).

Please read through this post carefully to fully understand how we are making class COVID Safe for all Students, Teachers and Parents, and also how to book classes.



Hand sanitiser at every venue – in and outside of the studio. Students will be asked to sanitise upon entering class, when exiting and will be available throughout lessons for top-up.

All uniform must be washed before the next session – this is to ensure the removal of germs.

Students aged 11 and over are asked to wear masks entering all venues and when going to the toilet. Masks can then be removed when dancing. Students aged 8 and over dancing at Ashford Baptist Church are asked to wear masks entering the venue per the hosts request.

We advise that your child has a plastic wallet/ziplock bag to place their mask in when not in use so as not to get it dirty.



Please queue in a straight line OUTSIDE the venue whilst maintaining social distancing – there will be markers on the floor to help with this.
Entrance & Exits for each venue are as follows:

BEDFONT: Enter through main doors. Exit through the side fire door, access from the car park.

There will be no entry to the kitchen at any time.

ASHFORD: Enter through front doors. Exit through back doors. Please bear this in mind when parking to avoid blocking in. 

ST HILDAS: Enter & Exit through normal doors. Please keep walkways clear.


I cannot allow ANY students to enter the venue before their class starts, and all students will need to be collected at the end of their class, with no exceptions.



We are continuing to adhere to government guidelines and will be maintaining social distancing in class. For parents of younger children, it is important for you to help your child understand what this may mean when going to class – including not holding hands with friends or giving hugs.

We appreciate it has been a long time apart, but it is important we adhere to social distancing at all times.



You must use this to book classes, this will allow me to control the Track & Trace programme and know exactly who to expect in class, adding to the safety elements related to coronavirus.

Add your classes to your basket and then you can check out, using debit/credit card to pay.

Each child has been accounted for in their existing class.


We have been very busy designing a brand-new website and it is my pleasure to share it with you: https://kdad.co.uk  

I am excited to see all of your faces back in class, and to get working towards our next round of examinations, hopefully for 2021.


Love Miss Kelli and the K.D.A.D Team

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